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Welcome to another Procedural Props mini-course by Indie-Pixel! In this next addition we will walk through the process of making a Pumpkin completely procedurally! This whole course started when one of the Indie-Pixel Discord members mentioned they would like to see how to create a Pumpkin all in Houdini. So I decided to take on the challenge and produce a mini-course around the solution. In this mini-course we will walk through the techniques to model the pumpkin such that it has uv's, can be modified into any shape and allow any amount of faces to be carved into it.
Through out the course you will learn how to model and export the Pumpkin to Unity 3D and learn how to create a simple candle flame particle system, using Houdini's Pyro FX and Unity 3D's Particle Systems.
For a limited time get it for Half Off! Use the Coupon Code: pumpkinprop
What you Will Learn:
How to Procedurally Model in Houdini
How to Procedurally create UV's
How to Add an ulimited amount of Faces to the pumpkin
How to export the Model from Houdini to your Game Engines
How to Create a Candle Flame with Pyro FXHow to Loop the Pyro FX Flame
How to render the Flame Effect out to a Sprite Sheet
How to set up a Particle System using the Flame Sprite Sheet
What you Get:
Complete Unity Project with Three Pumpkin Variations
Complete Houdini Project with completed Networks
3 hours of Video Training on Procedural Modeling
Thanks so much for your interest in Procedural Props - Jack-O'-Lantern! Download now and create your very own Procedural Pumpkins! :-)
For a limited time get it for Half Off! Use the Coupon Code: pumpkinprop
Thanks so much everyone for your support! Much appreciated! :-)